About HobNow™ Platform

The prose channels the info flow of HobNow™ / HobnobVipfy®  as a contactless futuristic platform.

HobnobVIPfy Website/Apps hereby referred as HobNow™ platform is a group of Contactless services in Near-Field Communications that entail most of all round touchless systems. The platform is a multi-disciplinary tiered implementations into Health, social networking, Smart Things and IOT. Our global trademark HobNow™ is operated and licensed under HobnobVipfy International Limited since 2020. The platform was originally founded in the year 2019 with the initial goal of facilitating systems-social interactions in the busy, fast-paced and swift global society.
In Healthcare- A globalized contactless system stores and avails health records instantly on demand on retrival or upon doctors update. Further Hob™ provides health-monitoring wearable devices that work symlessly with contactless capabilities. For mobile-health services the mobile system avail paramedics with instant health records and patients history directing them on state of the patient and respective treatment undergone and particulars to be undertaken. Health records as well as other social networking services among other mobile contactless systems provided by HobnobVipfy LLC avail the services beyond regional coverage as a global covering platform.
In Social Networking -The intention is to give society a platform to break human connectedness limitations and limited socializing/acquaint-ability arena. The major goal was and is to enable people to meet in the twinkly world and share their HobIDs (hobnob NFC tags availed on contactless technology at the approximate distance of 3 inches). 
The core mission of the HobnobVipfy platform is to converge the society at the intellectual level of royalty and respect for own-defined VIP objectives. To Vipfy is to grow networks of respectable circles that would yield to explicit goals with contractual binding. Sample goals/ambitions/missions would be a search for a positively like-minded lot that can team up for asymmetrical goals such as company staffing, that can play a given role(s), finding business partners, or even soul-mates searching defined by one's terms. Definitely, these are engagements geared to a common purpose of breaking distance barriers, intellectualism, growth, and social interconnectedness globally. Growing a VIP resource pool; a ground for learning other like-minded people, experiences, business profiles, and assimilated goals such as future coworking opportunities require time to scrutinize crucial/critical demeanor. Hobnob has been up to ensure the core social linkage for ambitions-matching further excels the fast-paced social intellections leading to global proximity and resource pool of productive social networks.
In Smart Contactless IOT - Systems such as Contactless access controlls, Fleet and stock controlls as well as operating Smart-indoor appliances and vehicle systems are able to symlessly work with contactless wearable devices instantly in microseconds to access the services.


At HobnobVIPfy International Limited, we take human connectedness more seriously. We believe human connections are the basic facets defining human intellect and intelligence. Human networks are the fundamental resource for growth and prosperity. They are the basis of freedom and wellbeing. They are the breeding grounds for ideas and growth, productivity, marketing and yield-backs. More importantly, social networks are the founding grounds of families and institutions. When humans are isolated, the magnitude of solitude and delayed success can never be underrated. We thus value human ambitions, feeling of self-worth, positive passions, intellect and resourcefulness more even to attaining positive business and personal integral course. 
Hob™ - means connecting & spurring conversations - Hob is defined in the dictionary as the top heating part of an oven/cooker; In this context, hob™ becomes our stirring or spurring part for thriving connections. It is trademarked to refer HobnobVipfy™ platform and respective actions for interacting on the HobnobVipfy™ platform; 'hobnobbing'.
Nob™ - Nob is grammatically defined as a person of wealth or high social position. We refer everyone feeling esteemed to be of self-worth to stir a social connection as a nob. This is a person worth being treated with respect and royalty. We all desire to be worth or of value to someone (@ high-end) don't we?
Hobnob™ - is to mix socially, especially with those of perceived higher social status (Nobs). Mixing socially/connecting and interacting with people of perceived higher social status, gearing the intent and context of the HobnobVipfy™ platform and the entire scope.



To propel human & social interactions in connectivity and spur prosperity and excellence in connectedness.

Links: HomeAbout, Downloads, Privacy Policy , TOS,                    Categories: Business, Life, Social, Healthcare

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